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Bilbao to Barcelona Train
Planning to travel from Bilbao to Barcelona by train? Enjoy the convenience and comfort of modern trains with picturesque landscapes along the way. Check out route details (train time, distance, schedule, prices) & book your Renfe railway tickets today!
Bilbao, Spain
Bilbao to Barcelona Train Information
7 hrs
9 hrs 20 min
Bilbao to Barcelona Train Timetable
*Check the current Bilbao to Barcelona train timetable on the website Rail.Ninja
FAQ About Train From Bilbao to Barcelona
You can get from Bilbao to Barcelona in around 7 hours by taking the AVE bullet train.
The price for railway tickets depends on several factors, such as departure date (weekend or regular day), train type, and class of travel. Tickets in Economy Class start at around 72 USD per person.
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Bilbao to Barcelona Railway Map
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